International News

Meet theyby Zoomer – the genderless toddler

Steering clear of gender-specific pronouns, Kyl and Brent Myer refers to their 'theyby' Zoomer, as their, them, they or simply as Z.
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A couple from the US has been thrust into the spotlight after going public in a New York Times article about their decision to withhold their child’s gender, even from close friends and family.

The decision to keep their child genderless is owed to the couple’s allegiance with a growing parenting movement known as gender creative parenting, and it’s parenting style that’s becoming increasingly popular around the world.

Steering clear of gender-specific pronouns, Kyl and Brent Myer refers to their ‘theyby’ Zoomer, as their, them, they or simply as Z.

The couple addressed their family’s newfound fame in an Instagram post on their account, Raising Zoomer.

“We want to introduce ourselves to you and welcome you into our world!” says Kyl to their new friends and followers.

“We actively work to provide Zoomer with an environment that celebrates their individuality. We expose them to all kinds of toys, clothes, colours and activities and we encourage their interests and self-expression.”

“Parenting this way has certainly reduced Zoomer’s experiences with gendered micro-aggressions and stereotypes.”

“Additionally, we actively strive to teach Zoomer about diversity, inclusion, equality, autonomy, and social justice. We are able to do this with an amazing network of supportive and loving family members, friends, and caretakers.”

“We are very proud and confident about our decision to raise Zoomer this way and we felt a responsibility to be a resource for people who are interested in learning more about gender creative parenting.”

“As you’ll see, there is virtually NO negativity on our account. We are proud of the community we have cultivated here and we intentionally created a space that is accessible, respectful, kind and fun. “

Zoomer’s parents believe “the gender revolution will happen in baby steps” and they’re open to answering any questions about their parenting journey on Kyl’s blog,

They explain that Gender Creative Parenting surrenders a control which that parents never really had in the first place.

“It is a practice in freedom and rule-breaking and following kids’ lead when they show you who they are and trusting that they know what is best for them.”

Pop singer Pink has revealed that she is raising her children gender neutral, stating they are a “we are a very label-less household.”

Pink and her daughter.

“We are a very label-less household,” the 38-year-old singer told The Sunday People. “Last week Willow told me she is going to marry an African woman. I was like: ‘Great, can you teach me how to make African food?'”

“And she’s like: ‘Sure mama, and we are going to live with you while our house is getting ready.'”

See the Raising Zoomer blog for more information about Gender Creative Parenting.

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